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'Rafale' is a part of Indian Army, why it is so special.

The 'Rafale era' (Rafale) of new India is going to start from today. French Defense Minister Florence Paley has reached India. She will take part in Rafal Induction Ceremony. With water, land and air, India can launch a nuclear attack on the enemy and give the edge of India's attack from the sky, now warriors like Rafal are also joining the Air Force of India. This news is worrying for both China (Pakistan) and Pakistan (Pakistan).

The deadly weapons of the Indian army may have already delivered a nuclear strike, but now Bahubali Rafal of the US Air Force will increase India's power. Rafal's ability to carry nuclear missiles makes it different, it is also not among the most powerful fighter jets of China and Pakistan. Know 10 key features of Rafale….

Rafal is a fighter with a generation fighter engine, delta-wing, semi-stealth capabilities. It is not only agile, but can also carry out a nuclear attack.

The biggest feature of Rafal is that it is the air-to-air missile of Beyond Visual Range. The range of which is more than 150 kilometers. Think of it as a missile that can hit 150 kilometers from within Pakistan's border with India.

How powerful a jet fighter is depends on the aircraft's technology, detection capabilities, and weaponry. This means how far this fighter plane can see and how far it can destroy its target. In this case, the Rafal is a very modern and powerful aircraft.

If you compare the Chinese J-20 and the Rafale of India, in many cases Rafal has surpassed the J-20.

- Just like Rafal's Combat Radius is 3 thousand 700 kilometers while Jat 20's Combat Radius is 3 thousand 400 kilometers. Combat radius means that a fighter plane can travel from its base at once.

China has yet to release a new generation engine for its J-20 fighters and currently uses Russian engines, while the Rafale has a powerful and reliable M-88 engine.

- 6 laser-guided bombs can also be equipped with three types of lethal missiles in Rafal.

Rafal can lift one and a half times its weight while J-20 can lift 1.2 times more than its weight. That is, Rafal can carry more weapons and fuel with him.

- Most important, Rafal has shown his ability in the battlefield. Rafal has been posted in the French Air Force and Navy for the last 14 years.

- In Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya, Rafal has shown its capability, while in comparison China has brought its J-20 fighter aircraft 2017 just three years earlier.

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